Always Feeling Like I’m “Too Late”

Something that I’ve always struggled with when it comes to trying to do a crafty blog/Instagram and get my YouTube channel started is that I always feel like by the time I’m done, I’m too late.

I’m not on any design teams.  I don’t get products early except for the rare thing for being a Spellbinders affiliate. So by the time the product comes out, I order it and it arrives and then I find the time to use it – I feel like I’m behind and not “allowed” to post it because I’m “too late.”

Now I’m aware that there isn’t a rule that says this and that it’s silly.  In fact, I’m a very strong advocate against rules people inflict on themselves about crafting.  But this one is something that just plagues me.  

The constant push of new release after new release drowns the actual current products out of the way by the time that people are actually getting the products they’ve ordered.  It makes it hard to just get started because it’s always on to the next!

I’m telling myself that it doesn’t matter, that no one is actually reading the blog and only a little more than 100 people follow me on Instagram anyway so no one is going to care.  But it still feels hard to push past that feeling.

I’m still going to try.  I want to USE my stash and I shouldn’t have to keep it to myself if I don’t want to.  I also don’t want to feel like I can’t go back and use those amazing products again months or years later.  They’re still good.  I want to feel like I’m allowed to use my stash.  I guess I need to get over myself.  Does anyone else feel this way?

So, that being said.  I have some plans to use a few things I received recently and share them when they’re done and not worry about if it’s “late” or not.  Wish me luck!

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One Comment

  1. Everyone’s take on the products is different and sometimes those on design teams – it all looks the same. People may have the same thing in their stash that you do and they may be struggling to use it. Show them your take on it and don’t worry so much about what other people have already done. I can guarantee you that not everyone has been able to find the time yet to use that stamp or die that came out a few months ago. We’re all behind unless we’re on design teams and it’s literally our job. I love you, my friend, and I can’t wait to see your take on all these things that myself and everyone else has in their stash and hasn’t used it yet. Can’t wait to see it.

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